We offer compassionate Home and Community Care for people with disability.

Your choice, your future

We offer compassionate Home and Community Care for people with disability including expert Plan Management, Support Coordination and Supported Independent Living to NDIS Participants. Thomasie focus on increasing independence and empowerment for the individuals we work with. We advocate for all people to be included as valued and respected citizens who have unique skills, gifts and personal strengths to contribute to their community

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Occupational Therapy Assessment

When you first begin using occupational therapy we generally start with a meeting in your home, a suitable place in your community or at our location. This first session is all about getting on the same page as you and your family, having a good understanding about what is working and not working for you and what a vision of success looks like.

This may include seeing you doing some of your essential daily tasks or conducting specific assessments of your abilities and needs. Some of the types of assessments we can conduct for you are:

  • Independent Living Abilities assessment
  • Support Needs assessment
  • Sensory processing assessment
  • Functional behavioural assessment

Latest News

Flexibility in transport funding for NDIS participants

Minister for the NDIS, Stuart Robert, today announced more flexibility and increased choice for participants accessing transport funding in their plans. From 1 March 2020, NDIS participants will be able to flexibly use their plan’s core support funding to claim service provider costs associated with transporting participants to and from NDIS funded community-based activities. Providers […]

‘I’m scared’: parents of children with disability struggle to get the basics during coronavirus

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on all Australians, but there are very good reasons why the impact might be more keenly felt by people with disability and their carers. Our new research on behalf of Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) provides insight into these issues, capturing the impacts at the height of the […]

Raising the bar on disability care

Encouraging paid workers to employ the ‘right kind’ of respectful personal relationship with young people with disability will lift standards in the sector, experts say. With good quality relationships, children and young adults with cognitive disability feel “valued, respected and cared about” in their daily lives and, in turn, give carers more job satisfaction and self-respect, international researchers say […]

