• Author Archive

Author: Olumayowa Omotoso

  • Social engagement

    Families love attending functions such as Weddings, Christenings and Birthday Parties. Quite often though there needs to be that “someone” who has to be the designated carer and or driver for a family member that may need help or assistance. We can be “that someone”, we have staff that can assist you or a loved […]
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  • Housekeeping

    This service is ideal for anyone needing some extra help around the house. Housekeeping services can make a tremendous difference for older people, people with an unexpected health event, busy families and executives. We can take care of all or some of the following: Cleaning – windows, floors, fridges, ovens Shopping – food, chemist External […]
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  • Day Programs

    Thomasie offers Day Programs to our clients so that they can learn new skills and feel empowered. By facilitating these programs, we help participants break out of their normal routine and learn new skills. These activities also ensure that participants are connecting with and be included in the community whilst having fun. Break out of […]
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  • Shopping

    Independent living simply means living a life with greater choice, control, and autonomy. Living with greater independence is a goal for most people living with a disability. Generally, people living with disability need support with aspects of daily living. Becoming more independent will involve a change to the way a person is supported. Working closely […]
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  • Let’s heed the warnings from aged care. We must act now to avert a COVID-19 crisis in disability care

    In Victoria there are nearly 80 active COVID-19 cases linked to more than 50 disability accommodation sites. At least two people have died. These don’t sound like big numbers in the context of Victoria’s second wave, and particularly when we compare it to the COVID-19 crisis in residential aged care. But similarities between residential disability care and aged care […]
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  • ‘I’m scared’: parents of children with disability struggle to get the basics during coronavirus

    COVID-19 has had a significant impact on all Australians, but there are very good reasons why the impact might be more keenly felt by people with disability and their carers. Our new research on behalf of Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) provides insight into these issues, capturing the impacts at the height of the […]
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  • Raising the bar on disability care

    Encouraging paid workers to employ the ‘right kind’ of respectful personal relationship with young people with disability will lift standards in the sector, experts say. With good quality relationships, children and young adults with cognitive disability feel “valued, respected and cared about” in their daily lives and, in turn, give carers more job satisfaction and self-respect, international researchers say […]
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  • Disability and COVID-19: A deadly virus made worse by discrimination

    The coronavirus crisis has exposed existing inequalities in the UK and “excluded” disabled people from society, campaigners have warned. As the UK grapples to manage the crisis amid fears of a second wave across Europe, charities have said that disabled people are being discriminated against, leaving them vulnerable to the virus. The statistics are stark. Disabled women […]
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  • Companionship

    Life sometimes can be isolating for older adults particularly if there are no family or friends close by or when loved ones have passed away. Having a companion can make a real difference. We match our companions to our clients to ensure the time spent is beneficial. Our Companions will not have any medical training […]
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