Getting along with others is a valuable ability. Sometimes people need extra help to develop the skills and confidence to make friends and interact with others.
We work with you to identify your specific social goals like making new friends, improving your relationship with family members or getting along better with classmates or other people in your community. We can then support you to use those skills you already have and develop new social skills that will help you reach your goal.

For a child this might include learning how to take turns and asking someone to play or respectful listening.
For an adult it might be learning how to understand non-verbal communication, how to ask for help, asking social questions or accepting feedback.
We also run social skills groups for children at many of our locations


Children and adults living with a disability can find it hard to learn new skills. We know that learning is a lifelong skill. We can assist you to learn information more effectively by working out the best ways for you to learn, for example using pictures or words. Generally developing routines or approaching a task the same each time can improve learning. We can assist you to make changes to your environment to help you to learn by reducing distractions and creating logical flows.

The key to learning is using repetition and we provide support to your teachers and your family to assist everybody to use the same strategies to assist you to learn.


We assist people to achieve their potential through inclusion in work. We can support you to develop the skills to get ready for work for the first time, stay at work or change work roles. We can also support you to return to work after illness or injury. This can involve working with you, your employer or your colleagues or changing the environment to make it easier and safer at work.


Speech Pathologists can support your learning by working with you, your family and your teachers to better understand your current strengths and weaknesses in regard to language and literacy skills
We can provide formal and informal assessment to determine where you are at, and where you would like to be in terms of being understood and understanding others.

People who benefit from this kind of support are those who:

  • would like to improve their literacy skills,
  • would like to be more independent when communicating with others,
  • would like to reduce the frustration they may experience when others don’t understand them,
  • would like to fill out forms and read important documents by themselves